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Image by Tim Mossholder


CLAIRfully AWARE Mentorship is designed to move you beyond the hamster wheel of your rational mind’s frontal lobe to reacquaint you with your intuitive superpowers. This program guides you in discovering your unique YES and NO responses by breaking intuition down into its foundational elements—the CLAIRS—to discover, reinforce and maximize your innate strengths while creating space for self-trust, self-growth and self-expansion.

This 1:1 course is highly individualized and is designed to meet you at your current level of intuitive ability—from the seasoned energy worker to the open and curious, yet not-too-sure-I-have-intuition seeker—CLAIRfully AWARE Mentorship helps you use your intuition at will. You will learn grounding, centering and energy protection techniques to create a safe container in which to practice energy work. You will experience multiple entry points to tap into and grow your CLAIR abilities to include mindfulness, mind-body sensation tracking, gentle movement (yoga), breathwork (pranayama) and guided co-meditations to find the path to your distinct door.

Through experiential play—both 1:1 and in small CLAIRplay groups—you will explore each CLAIR sub-set: CLAIRsentience, CLAIRvoyance, CLAIRaudience, CLAIRcognizance, CLAIRalience, CLAIRgustance, and CLAIRtangency. By the end of this course, you will be able to recognize your innate YES and NO responses, differentiate between your internal energy and other peoples’ energies, and utilize your main CLAIR ability/abilities at will.

This program is designed to be implemented over a 3-month time frame to allow for integration, mentorship and play.


CLAIR-Centered Communication
Image by Mayur Gala

Your gut led you here. Your internal knowing is offering you an opportunity to explore one of the deepest parts of your human experience—your intuition. If you are ready to InSource your decisions and invest in your innate superpowers, follow this breadcrumb.  


To join the next available 10-week CLAIRfully AWARE Mentorship program, please book a free CLAIRity CALL.


Christina Boland

CLAIR-Centered Communications

Evans, GA

CLAIR-Centered Communication

© 2024 by Christina Boland & CLAIR-Centered Communications

Website Creation made with ♡ by TheTamelaKemp

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