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Reconnect with your
innate intuition and better align with your
Soul’s purpose


exists to explore intuition.

We are all born with this superpower.

I am here to remind you that


If you are ready to EXPLORE, RECONNECT, & EMBRACE your own inner awareness and RECLAIM your birthright, you are ready to live CLAIRFULLY.

I offer CLAIR (intuition) Mentorship, Akashic Readings,

and Energy Healings

What are the CLAIRS

CLAIRS are the building blocks of Intuition.

Intuition manifests as something we clearly feel, see, hear, know, smell, taste and/or touch. It hits lightning quick, is experienced without conscious reasoning, and exists to keep us safe.


The CLAIRS are the foundational building blocks of what we experience as intuition. The word “clair” is nothing more than the French word for “clear.” Once we recognize our clear intuitional patterns, we then seek to develop and enhance our innate CLAIR signature.


CLAIR Caveat You cannot talk your way into energetically experiencing intuition, but once you experience it, you can rationalize yourself out of listening to it.   

CLAIR-Centered Communication


Clear body sensation. Clairsentience is a perceived or physically felt bodily sensation that results from sensed energy and is not tied to a personal physical ailment or condition.


Your best friend tells you she saw a ghost dressed in Civil War era clothing and your body immediately erupts in goosebumps. You are sitting at your desk and suddenly have a flash of pain in your left ankle, a few minutes later your child’s school calls—your daughter twisted her ankle.   



Clear seeing. Clairvoyance utilizes your outer vision, your inner sight, or a combination to experience visual images that may not be apparent to others.


Have you ever caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing? Do you visually sense or clearly see auras, orbs, or other entities around people or pets? Are you a vivid dreamer or good with spatial relations?




Clear hearing. Clairaudience may be experienced as listening to your own inner voice, using your ears to hear an energetic external voice, or a combination.   


Do you ever wake up with songs or lyrics playing in your mind? Pay attention to the words! Have you ever mentally heard your phone ring, only to have it actually ring moments later?



Clear knowing. This is when you JUST KNOW without knowing how you know. You JUST KNOW how to do something without any prior experience.


You consistently predict outcomes with startling accuracy. You are a human lie detector. Answers pop into your mind. You often operate instinctively without conscious realization.



Clear smelling. Clairalience is the ability to perceive energetic odors not in physical proximity.


Have you ever walked into an empty room and immediately smell your grandmother’s perfume, but grandma died years ago? You experience a fleeting, but clear scent of lilacs and are immediately reminded of a favorite childhood vacation spot. Then later that day you flip the channel and catch a show highlighting that very location.



Clear taste or mouthfeel. Clairgustance is the ability to perceive energetic tastes or mouthfeel without having the physical source present in your mouth. This ability may also include energetically tasting non-food items.


Have you ever felt the sensation of chewing gum, the texture of milk, or the fizz of soda in your mouth when they are not in physical proximity? Do you associate a specific food—say pepperoni pizza—with a particular friend, and when you bring this friend to mind, have you ever energetically tasted pizza?



Clear touch. Clairtangency is the ability to energetically perceive clear information from a person, pet, or object through physical touch.


Have you ever kissed someone and inherently knew they cheated on you? Have you ever walked into an antiques store and are immediately drawn to touch a unique glass, but nearly drop it because there is something energetically repulsive to you? After petting your neighbor’s dog, you intuitively know he will hurt his leg. Three days later you see him in a cast.

Let’s get CLAIRfull!

chris boland

Hi! I’m Chris Boland.


I am an intuition explorer. Yours. Mine. Ours. I am here to remind you that you are an intuitive being AND you can learn to use your intuition at will.

I’ve been offering intuitive readings for over 30 years. I use my CLAIR abilities—distinct, yet interconnected facets of intuition—to help you reconnect with your innate intuition and better align with your Soul’s purpose.


CLAIR-Centered Communication


what is intuition. reconnect with your intuition.


CLAIRfully AWARE MENTORSHIP is designed to move you beyond the hamster wheel of your frontal lobe’s rational mind to reacquaint you with your intuitive superpowers. This program guides you in discovering your unique YES and NO responses by breaking intuition down into its foundational elements—the CLAIRS—to discover, reinforce and maximize your innate strengths while creating space for self-trust, self-growth and self-expansion.


Imagine that your soul is currently on an expedition. You are allowed one carry-on, and it is restricted only by the weight you can carry. You fill it with knowledge, wisdom, and hard-earned gifts and talents you have accumulated from other lifetimes. You leave your map, jump into Human, and get lost in the shitshow and the beauty.

Dive into your Akashic Records to retrieve your map and expedition itinerary. Discover your Akashic past and partner with your future. 

Image by Greg Rakozy


INTUITION is primal. It is an immediate internal download of felt or sensed knowledge that happens before you notice the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The energy of intuition sends your body information that initiates a chemical domino effect that results in physical sensations like goosebumps or auditory frequency shifts. At its most basic, intuition exists to keep you safe, alive, and aligned with your Soul’s Purpose.     


When we seek to use our intuition at will, the energetic domino process is similar. By nature, we are electromagnetic beings powered by our heart. As such, when we ground, center, and clear space in our heart, we open a magnetizing energetic channel. This is the direct channel to your Soul’s Highest & Greatest Good and the lightning bolt superhighway to your intuition. In this zone, intuitive answers are received instantaneously. The hard part? Not talking yourself out of it—especially when the answer you received is not the one you desire.   


Intuition operates on an intrinsic frequency that is fundamentally different than that of the learned information and executive functioning of your brain’s frontal lobe. Intuition is NOT your mind’s chit-chat pinging around your thoughts. It is deeper than that. Intuition is part of your original software.


CONFIRMATION is an external verification sign that is generally visual, auditory, or experiential in nature. With confirmation, we can dictate the terms, or we can allow the Universe to give us a sign of her choosing. Either way is valid. Give both a whirl.   


Confirmation is a great way to double-check your intuition when habit or hesitancy wants to take the wheel. Take the pressure off yourself to “be right,” and reach out and employ your Spirit Team, ask them if you are on the right track. However, unlike intuition, seeking confirmation generally takes time may not be an immediate answer.   


We’re human. We all do it. We all ask for signs. We do it with love. "Alright Universe, if this relationship is worth pursuing, show me a series of repeating numbers."

We do it in fear. "Alright Source, if I’m supposed to relocate and take this job, show me a goat in an unusual setting within the next week." We do it in frustration, "Alright G.U.S. (God. Universe. Source.), show me a clear sign. Any sign." The key: ask for your sign and then let it go. Allow the Universe to do the work and go and do yours.


Confirmation is the song on the radio. It’s the hummingbird that follows you on a walk. It is the old woman in the grocery store who asks if you can reach a box and you catch a flash of your watch, 11:11am. Confirmation speaks when you stop obsessing over it. It’s being annoyed at the red light. It’s the pink truck in front of you with the bumper sticker of a meditating goat.

Image by Yeshi Kangrang

Christina’s attentiveness and intuitive sensitivities enable her to retrieve these “downloads” and communicate them in a clear, coherent manner. Furthermore, her animated psyche expresses an enthusiastic curiosity and eagerness, and she sincerely cares about the wellbeing of sentient beings, humans included. This combination creates a safe, non-judgemental, enjoyable and nourishing space for whatever shows up. Christina effortlessly holds that space for you. I have witnessed her consistently display a genuine interest and focused presence. In fact, the term “Clair-Present” accurately and fittingly comes to mind.

It is worthwhile to note that Christina has complementary skills as a Yoga instructor and intuitive Rune reader. These competencies have supplemented our sessions; aiding in the exploration, energetic healing, and spiritual evolution. Her ability to decode the holographic information of a person’s quantum traces in the Akashic Field or, loosely stated “to read one’s Akashic Records”, and articulate the wisdom, guidance and knowledge received during a session is astounding!

Christina is truly a gift to humanity, this incredible planet, and beyond. If you have contemplated or considered an Akashic reading, it is without hesitation that I highly recommend you take the plunge alongside Christina.

~ M. Brooke

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Christina Boland

CLAIR-Centered Communications

Evans, GA

CLAIR-Centered Communication

© 2024 by Christina Boland & CLAIR-Centered Communications

Website Creation made with ♡ by TheTamelaKemp

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